
By Janice M. Barlow

PEOPLE HAVE AN INNATE NEED to be at odds with each other. This desire is recognized on many levels. Let’s touch on each of them and hone in on the last one.

First, we are at odds with enemy nations. Countries like Afghanistan have only recently become our enemy, taking Americans as hostages by not allowing them to return home when our troops pulled out on the sudden orders of President Biden. This left a nation in chaos as the Taliban, a deeply rooted enemy terrorist organization, was champing at the bit to take over and cause rampant destruction. Our government had trusted them, but because of rogue factions, they were not to be trusted. Terrorist organizations should never be trusted.

So, the first rival is the nation that we left, where we have stranded our own people and also deserted Afghanis who we had promised to protect. The second rival is the terrorist organization itself, whose reach is beyond the nation, in coordination with but in a mistrustful way, other terrorist groups, such as ISIS and Al Qaida.

Next, we are at odds with friendly allies. We are supposed to have laws in place that prevent people from openly entering our country from nations to the south, such as Mexico and Honduras. These are not enemy nations. But they have citizens who would rather live here. That’s understandable, but there is a legal way to do that and an illegal way to do that. The illegal way has resulted in a mountain of problems; not the least of which is the spread of Covid-19, a virus which, on the one hand the government is pressuring everyone to vaccinate against, and with the other, is freely allowing “undocumented immigrants” access to cross our borders.

There may be some civil unrest in Central America. There are drug problems in Mexico, but there are drug problems pretty much everywhere. Why don’t we see a rash of people trying to come to the United States from Costa Rica? There is something wrong with that picture, but it is a topic for another article.

Third, we are at odds with people in our own country who are of different ideologies. They may be conservatives or more likely, if you are reading this, they would be leftists. Conservatives consider leftists a threat because they are for abortion, same sex marriage, the idea that morality is relative, (and so is truth, sometimes), they often mock religion, especially Christianity, and that often, there is the idea that leftists do not like the concept of freedom. They would rather be governed and they trust the government to think for them. In talking to left leaning people personally, I find that most of the aforementioned is true, but on the other hand, they usually don’t trust the government either, and it is a common thread for most Americans. Politicians should not be trusted and the only ones who really trust them are the politicians themselves.

To be fair, and fairness is lacking to the extreme today, it is necessary to examine the reasons why leftists are at odds with conservatives. Conservatives love freedom, but only if what it entails does not offend them. (You can worship at any church, but a church that has a gay priest is abhorrent). So conservatives are viewed by the left as hypocrites with regard to freedom. There is some truth to that. Freedom must be defined, and again, that is a topic for another article. Sadly, conservatives also pretty much own conspiracy theories. And that is where the last rift falls into place.

There are conservatives who shun wild theories and off the wall concepts, and there are those who actually will seek them out. I have written several pieces in the past about the destructive nature of QAnon and the people who trusted it. Obviously, it was all a poorly choreographed scheme to get followers on a site (run out of the Philippines) by Ron Watkins, a computer geek, whose slippery father Jim, has been in trouble with Congress on several occasions. You don’t hear much about the storm anymore, although the channel is still running, switching boards several times in the last couple years to avoid compliance issues.

To unite conservatives together under one umbrella, many things are needed. The most important one is the TRUTH. Truth should not be shoved aside in order to cling to that good old confirmation bias. Truth is often hard to pin down, but as we get closer to it, and reveal what it is NOT, this should cause people to put down their arsenals of disinformation, (those videos of people in their cars with sunglasses on, foreign “doctors” whose PhD is in Education, not medicine, crazy websites that predict the end of civilization because of COVID or Vaccines or both or something else), and simply face the boring facts.

There is often nothing exciting about facts. They are what they are. We can click the green check mark as FACT or the red X as FALSE, and move on, ignoring the Face–broke factcheckers, whose goal it is, is to simply push their own agendas.

And folks, that’s the bottom line. Put your agendas on the back shelf in the closet. Simply seek truth. If it is not what you want, then suck it up and accept it and quit bullying your “friends” on Facebook“. You don’t have to admit you were wrong. Just move on. Leave a group if you need to, if you were for instance, a flat-earther, and you came to the realization that it really didn’t make sense at all, or trigonometry couldn’t exist. When you put disinformation behind you, you are advancing in knowledge and wisdom.

But too many people don’t want to do that. They still want to be “Google Mommy Pseudoscientists” to try to cling to a point that they really don’t know the truth about. The only way to get at the truth is to listen to both sides and research it offline, in journals and writings by people who live it daily. Whatever the topic may be. And as I already mentioned, we may not know the entire truth, but every time we can get rid of bad information about a subject, we get closer to the truth. (Another toxic example: It is not safe to make your own homemade hydroxychloroquine – TRUTH!).

On September 21, at 7 pm EST, I plan on doing a podcast on Facebook to explain how mRNA does not alter DNA. It has absolutely nothing to do with whether I agree with a COVID vaccine or not. That is a personal decision, and no one should be bullied for making a decision for a vaccine or against getting one. But a podcast gives me the opportunity to explain exactly what happens when the injection enters the body and what the mRNA does. People are already screaming and yelling at me. (I can hear you).

But it has nothing to do with any harm that has been done or might be done in the future by COVID vaccines. Nothing at all! It is simply going to be an explanation of how mRNA works. Basic Cell Biology 101. You will be able to view it, but if you aren’t Facebook friends with me, you won’t be able to comment unless you see it in a group, such as, Conservative Issues and Policies Forum. You are free to join it as long as you answer the questions and you’re not a locked down tight account.

It’s good to be writing on National Candle again. I’ve been busy working on the sequel to “The Last Bloodline” which has taken much more work than I ever imagined. I’m hoping for an early spring release. I have the title but it’s still under wraps. In the meantime, a link to my author page on Amazon is below, which includes my five published books.

If you would like to submit an article to National Candle, please send me a private message on Facebook and we can talk about it!

My book link: Click on “My book link”