By Janice Barlow

A GO-TO WORD IN RECENT DAYS IS CHAOS. Keeping in mind that God is not the author of confusion, (1 Corinthians 14:33), and that God is the same, yesterday, today, and forever, (Hebrews 13:8), the source of this chaos needs to originate from somewhere other than God. Where there is chaos, where there is confusion, God is pushed out of the situation. Where God is present, there is order; there is control; there is peace. (Thus the phrase is really, “Know Jesus, know peace“, not “No justice, no peace“, even though that can also be true. But throughout history, there have been injustices that have been solved in more civilized ways than riots, looting and violence.)


Did Jesus single out people of skin color and indicate that their lives were what mattered over other lives? Did he go to the Gentiles and ignore the Jewish people with His messages of hope and salvation? Did He only go to people of high status in cities and towns to preach? No.

Jesus preached to sinners. That included everyone. And since the Bible is timeless, that includes you and me. All lives matter to Jesus Christ. And if we are to be Christ-like, all lives should matter to us. Always. Not just in times of relative peace, but in all times. Jesus told us that His Father wanted NONE to perish and go to Hell, (2 Peter 3:9). NO ONE. Not one place in the Bible does Jesus talk about skin color.

Biblically, there were slaves and masters. Surprisingly, the masters were often darker than their servants. It was not about skin color. It was about which culture had conquered another culture and forced the conquered to become subservient. Why are the Jews still not fiercely angry at the Egyptians for binding them to slavery for over a thousand years before Moses set them free? Why should anyone be responsible for actions that occurred long before they were born?


What we are seeing amidst the chaos are symptoms of a culture that is driven by a deep rooted hatred. They are projecting it outward by calling it systemic racism. And it can be noted that it is not only one sided. But since the murder of George Floyd, which the media has elevated to astronomical levels, (foreign nations probably thought we were burying a respected national hero); our nation has headed into a downward spiral that will be very difficult to overcome.

Point by point, I want to go down a sad path of what Black Lives Matter has done in terms of recreating the racism that was ignited by one rogue cop in Minneapolis. Keep in mind when I use the term, “BLM“, I am talking about a core group people who promote violence for justice, that demands be met which have not been earned, and that recognition be brought to problems that they themselves have caused. PLEASE bear in mind that this list is not an umbrella for all people of color, nor all black people, nor not even all people saying, “Black Lives Matter”. What follows is a list of those who are perpetuating division, violence and hatred towards white people and conservatives, which also includes black conservatives, (probably especially so):

1 – BLM does not care if white people protest for it. But it will take the photo ops, and money. It considers white people to otherwise be a hindrance to the cause. 

2 – BLM and other black social justice groups have had millions of dollars raised on their behalf. In fact, by the end of Blackout Tuesday, June 8th, over $40 million had been raised, including big donations from corporations and celebs. $40 million. There are only 41 million black people in the United States. This campaign is only getting started. But most will never see a dime of the money raised. Never. Much more money is pouring in daily like an avalanche. Who is organizing the spending of this money? Whose pockets are being lined?

(As an addendum to this point, “WHO would qualify as “black”? Is this an Elizabeth Warren question? Is one-sixteenth black okay, or do you need to be one-eighth or one-quarter or even as much as half African-American? And how do you tell? Do you just expect people to believe you when you say, “My grandfather was black”. You could look as white as a Swede. Who qualifies? Certainly, BLM people do not consider white people black. In fact, ironically, there is a code in the culture where the darker the skin color, the lower you are on the societal ladder).

3 – BLM does not count unborn children in lives that matter. In recent years, there have been more unborn black babies aborted in New York City alone than have been born. In Michigan, for example, fourteen percent of the state population is black, yet black babies account for over sixty-five percent of all abortions.

4 – BLM does not count black-on-black murders as lives that matter.

5 – BLM has the most children raised by someone other than an actual parent. They are raised by a grandmother, a great-grandmother, an aunt or a great-aunt, all of whom have enough to take care of in their own lives without having to deal with a wayward relative’s children.

6 – BLM has the highest amount of domestic violence charges on record in the United States. Yes, all cultures abuse women, and many do not report it out of fear for their lives, but based on calls to 911 nationwide, BLM has the highest amount.

7- BLM has a culture where the men are allowed to call the women they date or live with or even are married to, “b*tches”, “ho’s”, or even worse. This is normal and accepted within the culture. And yet, they yell, “SAY HER NAME!”, in protests when a black woman is killed by police. Why don’t they call her by name when she is living?

9 – BLM culture teaches its children not to better themselves by blending in with white society. It intentionally segregates even when it’s no longer necessary. If a black youth does well and gets an academic scholarship to a renowned university, he is called an Uncle Tom, or worse. He has broke a silent code where he was to remain under oppression to show solidarity against a white corporate world.

10 – BLM does not recognize Jesus as the Savior of its problems. It recognizes rights and social justice as the solutions. But it is unwilling to make changes within the culture that would quell the chaos so that change can be affected from without. More importantly, it is unwilling to address the root causes of the problems that keep it oppressed. It’s not racism. It’s drug dealers who get youth hooked on drugs at a very young age, who get girls hooked on drugs so that they end up being trafficked into prostitution and trapped in a cycle of abortions, drug addiction and prison.

Most Americans realize that law enforcement has issues that need to be addressed. But if a leftist legal system would lock up the dealers who keep the drug culture running like a finely tuned engine, and keep them locked up, change could become real, and the police would no longer have the appearance of the enemy. It’s very frustrating for law enforcement to haul in drug dealers with mile long rap sheets and have them released on bail the next day to keep supplying drugs to the very people who are demanding change, and to their children. It needs to stop at the top. Cut off the head of the snake, which is what a drug dealer is. And in prison, cut off all communications with the outside world, so that they can’t run their drug dealing operations from behind bars.


I honestly don’t know how many articles I have to write about Phil Williams, a Christian conservative black American who is functioning change daily in society. His goals never change. His methods do, because he simply gets better and better at reaching those in crisis. But instead of helping Phil do the things that he does best, which I am going to list point by point below, he is passed over, so that people can feel good about themselves by THROWING AWAY MONEY at social justice movements.

That’s right. You have no idea where your money is going. I’ve taken it upon myself to boycott companies who are donating big bucks to social justice. Because the term itself is overused to the point where it has lost its meaning. And the dollars thrown at it will never champion the cause, just like dollars thrown at public education never did. Wasted money. Kids still are graduating who cannot read.

Phil Williams, a disabled vet, preacher, musician, author, singer, talk show host, community outreach organizer, and lover of the Lord Jesus, has never asked for money because of his skin color. He has never asked for apologies for injustices done to ancestors whom he never knew by any of your ancestors whom you never knew either.

But Phil has done and continues to do these things:

1 – Write, produce, and perform his own music for PRO-LIFE causes

2 – Write, produce, and perform his own music to help people escape DRUG ADDICTION

3 – Write, produce, and perform his own music for AT RISK CHILDREN

4 – Write, produce, and perform his own music to help people escape thoughts of SUICIDE

5- Write, produce, and perform his own music to teach black men how to treat women

6 – Developed a children’s character called, Lil Jimmy, who is Phil in costume. He goes into inner cities and poor neighborhoods and talks to the children. Lil Jimmy has made his “own” music for children and even has published a book that is based on learning from obedience and developing sound moral character.

7 – Held events to reach out to at-risk youth at churches and venues to teach them about conservatism and how their lives have value.

8 – Done his own form of “street-preaching” by quietly and lovingly espousing the principles of Jesus Christ wherever he goes.

9 – Does a podcast several times a month to reach his like-minded viewers and update us on what he is doing. These podcasts are also intended to ask you to support him.

Phil doesn’t like asking for money. But he can’t do this stuff for free! He needs your help and you should help people who are in chaos become people who are in Christ. Or at least help Phil be the street missionary that none of our Congresspeople are willing to be.

If you notice this list, Phil is doing everything that people are demanding be done for America’s youth. Unlike all the other leaders, Phil is listening to you and doing it. He is addressing all the issues. Why would you throw money at leaders and faceless organizations who have no proof of what they have done and never will? Support Phil.

BLM and other leftist groups will continue to march in chaos. We have seen the results produced in burned down buildings, toppled monuments, and now in an anarchist “city” in Seattle that is just the tip of the iceberg. #CHAZ is a symptom of a problem that will not go away, and protests are only going to make good law enforcement people resign in frustration.

Then who will answer the 911 calls?

Please take a moment and send Phil Williams a tax deductible donation. If you are still going to Starbucks or supporting other liberal companies with your money every week, the least you can do is help a conservative Christian with a conservative cause who has boots on the ground functioning it daily for you.

Here are three ways you can give: (Cashapp $Philjimmy)

or mail a check or money order to Phillip Williams PO Box 3331 Decatur GA 30031 

Phil says, God Bless! Please shoot him a friend request and ask for notifications to his Facebook podcasts! If you’re not inspired after watching Phil deliver what’s on his mind, nothing will inspire you!